PinnedPublished inAnalytics VidhyaUnderstanding SQL Window FunctionsWindow functions in SQL provide a window of opportunity for data engineers to minimize effort and time by quickly wiring SQL queries to…Jan 6, 2021Jan 6, 2021
Published inAnalytics VidhyaDelete Duplicates in a Table using SnowflakeDuplicate data refers to multiple records in a dataset that have the same values in specific fields, such as names, IDs, or other key…Feb 19Feb 19
MOM Analysis Various SQL MethodsMonth over month (MoM) is a financial metric used to compare the performance of a particular variable or indicator between two consecutive…Feb 11Feb 11
CTE and Recursive CTE in SnowflakeA Common Table Expression (CTE) is a temporary, named result set that you can use within a query. Defined using the WITH clause, a CTE acts…Feb 10Feb 10
AWS CLF-C02(Cloud Practitioner) Summary & Steps to PassAWS CLF-C02 is foundational certification offered by AWS which evaluates the fundamental understanding of oneself on cloud computing and…Jan 281Jan 281
Social Media- A modern marketplaceSocial media was initially designed to connect people — a digital platform where friends and families could share moments, milestones, and…Jan 19Jan 19
Published inAnalytics VidhyaLead & Lag in SnowflakeLead & Lag is used to access data in a subsequent/previous row in the same result set without having to join the table to itself.They allow…Jan 2Jan 2
Living Life as a Data EngineerWhat comes to my mind when I hear the word Data Engineer?Nov 29, 2024Nov 29, 2024
What,Why, How EC2 ?EC2 is a compute service in AWS that lets you rent virtual machines (called instances). These instances are fully customizable to your…Nov 26, 2024Nov 26, 2024
S3 in AWSS3 in AWS is a storage service which enables object based storage in the cloud.It stands for Simple Storage Service.Any type of files can…Nov 11, 2024Nov 11, 2024
Snowflake DDL Comparator(Different Accounts) using Streamlit“Managing object definition between different environments is a common requirement in software development when dealing with databases…Apr 11, 2024Apr 11, 2024
Streamlit with SnowflakeStreamlit provides immense options to explore UI apps based upon snowflake. Here we will talk about the simplest app we can build using…Apr 4, 2024Apr 4, 2024
Snowflake with Dbeaver“In the world of cloud computing, we are all looking for amazing database tools that can support today’s modern cloud databases, seeking…Apr 1, 2024Apr 1, 2024
Logging in PythonLogging provides a smooth way of tracking events in python programming. In real time applications when a software developer comes across…Jun 5, 2023Jun 5, 2023
Python- Data TypesPython is a high level general purpose programming language used today in varieties of field like Data Science, Data analytics, Machine…Oct 19, 20221Oct 19, 20221
Everyone is seeking something. Unresolved mystery.We are all searching for something. We always have been. Some might for some great discovery to come up with others might within themselves…Jul 6, 2018Jul 6, 2018
What people are missing while always busy with their phones?We see one in every five people own a smart phone. There are more than 1B people in the world. Our devices have become an extension of…Jun 11, 2018Jun 11, 2018